

Monday, February 10, 2014

Read the information given on the Yellow River and leave a comment to tell what you have understood.


  1. I understand that..... In 21 october the yellow river had been called the cradle of the Chinese Civilization and the yellow runs 4345 m.

  2. I learned that the yellow river runs 4345 kilometers.The Yellow River is now dying because of the harmful effects of un- reflective human decisions are now piling up and I also learned that the riverbed has been rising by 10 cm every year.

  3. I also learnt that 634 mm was in the 1970s and 594mm in the 1980s and in 1990s it was so much reduced that it went to 561mm and the main reason is the wastage of water and the forest that are being cut down

  4. In this link i learnt that the yellow river's seabed is rising 10 cm every year and that humans are also polluting the river and another fact is that the scientists are thinking about joining the yellow river with the Yangtze river because the yellow river is becoming smaller and smaller by drying up. We also learnt that the river is 4345 kilometers long

  5. This was interesting but I am not surprised to learn the yellow river is dying because people have stopped caring about nature everywhere. I hope that everyone realizes this before it is too late.

  6. I learned that harmful effects make the river die. and in october it was called the cradle of chinese civilization

  7. I learned that the water levels have decreased drastically. It is three times less than it was 50 years ago

  8. I understood that the Yellow River has been called the cradle of the Chinese civilization, because the Indus River made it possible for the ancient Indian civilization of Harrappa and Mohenjodaro to flourish, the Tigris and Euphrates gave birth to the Mesopotamian civilization now in Iraq, and the Nile had gaven birth to the Egyptian civilization to more than 4000 years ago.
